
How to Raise Awareness on Alcohol Consumption

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Health promotion is basically the process of increasing awareness among people to raise control over their health and thus changing their health behaviour to improve it. The main aim of this report is to study the prevalence of alcohol consumption in a specific group of people and thus design various interventions and health promotion strategies for improving their health. The group which is selected in this study is people belonging to the age group of 18 to 30 both males and females. The major objective of selecting this group in a study is because it is at the highest risk in terms of alcohol consumption.

This report gives a brief about the role of nurses in formulating health promotion strategies, health interventions, personal skills in health care planning and the impact of various factors on public health.


Role Of Nurses in Formulating Health Promotion Strategies

Alcohol consumption has become one of the major concerns which have surrounded a large number of people. One of the major groups among which excessive consumption of alcohol has been reported is people of the age group 18 to 30 both males and females. In this scenario, the role of the nurse is highly imperative in implementing as well as formulating health promotion strategies and thus plays an important and significant role. Whether it is for individuals, communities, groups or the population, the area of nursing is highly focused towards providing the proper healthcare advice as well as having a crucial role in practice of the health promotion.

Health promotion

One of the most important and significant role of nurses in implementing the strategies of health promotion is providing the well-through information to patients and their families. The nurses provide the correct guidance as well as information to the patient along with their families on various precautions as well as interventions which they need to take in order to avoid the similar situation in the future (Johnson, 2017). For example- in order to overcome the condition of alcohol in adolescent of age group 18 to 23, nurses educate the patients as well as their family members on the harmful effects of consuming alcohol. Thus, their role is highly important in educating the people.

Raising awareness

This is another profound and remarkable role of nurses at the community as well as population level. Nurses are basically the individuals who have acquired the required training as well as expertise in the field of health promotion and thus are highly trained having a deep knowledge of different perspectives of health. These characteristics of nurses play an important role in raising awareness among people against consuming alcohol. Nurses through their expertise as well as knowledge educate and raise awareness among the community and the entire population on the harmful effects of consuming alcohol (Lobstein and,2017).

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Providing professional care

Talking at the individual level, nurses play a crucial role and thus help patients by providing professional healthcare services. Nurses with the help of various health promotion strategies and practices treat the patients and thus provide them the appropriate treatment. Thus, nurses help to improve the health of individual patients by offering the right kind of medications and cures. As nurses are highly trained as well as have the required expertise, thus they remain well aware of the different practices and legislation which are being followed in the medical. This helps them to provide different treatments and medications to different individuals as per their health (Esser and Jernigan, 2018).

Educating the community

This is the another role which nurses play and educates the entire community about the side effects and fatal impact of alcohol on health. Due to having a thorough knowledge, nurses through the use of various campaigns, seminars, etc educate the wider community about the risk factors which are associated with consuming alcohol. This eventually helps the community to change their health behaviour and thus shift their focus to improved health (Lyons and,2017).

Health interventions

Public health interventions are the efforts as well as policies which are being made to improve the mental along physical health of the entire population. Alcohol has given rise to sexual abuse in the UK to a great extent. The major contributor to rape and other sexual abuse is alcohol. It has been seen that males between the ages of 18 to 30 tend to abuse females sexually and thus assault them. It has been reported that the males after consuming a single glass of alcohol lose their consciousness and then physically as well as sexually assault their wives and other girls. Along with this, females also increase their chances of being abused after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Due to the excessive drinking, they generally lose their mind and consciousness and this increases the probability of being abused by males and boys. The major interventions which can be given to this group of people between 18 to 30 are

Providing education

Educating the entire community about the risks of consuming alcohol is one of the well-known interventions. It has been reported that around 76% of people in the UK are addicted to alcohol and thus more than 70000 people in the UK die due to the heavy consumption of alcohol every year (Petticrew and,2017). Thus, in order to reduce this number and make people aware of the harmful effects of alcohol, educating the community is one of the best interventions, especially for the youth.

Professionals services

According to the report of WHO, more than 80000 people in the UK have not only died due to heavy addiction to alcohol but died due to the lack of proper healthcare facilities. Providing professional services and better healthcare services to people is one of the most required interventions in order to save youth as well as adults from consuming alcohol. It has been reported that most people living in underprivileged areas die due to excessive consumption of alcohol and because they do not receive proper services. Thus, establishing the proper healthcare centres as well as hospitals in these areas is one of the best interventions (Jernigan, 2019).

Relationship-centered care

Relationship-centred care is basically healthcare which focuses upon various relationships which the healthcare providers are required to address within healthcare services. The relationship which becomes the main focus in relationship-centered care is relations with patients, relations with different providers, and relations with the community (Casswell and,2016). The recovery which takes place in these care centres is highly focused towards providing the appropriate and professional services to the individuals. In order to treat the patients of this group suffering from the alcohol effects, these relationship centres provide proper medications as well as treatments. According to WHO, people who suffer from alcohol addiction remain isolated and lonely. For example- it has been reported that girls between the ages group 18 to 25 drink alcohol mostly because they feel heartbroken or have gone through tough times thus relation centre care helps to treat them by engaging them in various activities and maintaining a friendly relationship with them. This group of people between 18 and 30 can be provided with effective support recovery in this centre by talking with them, engaging them in fun activities etc.

Personal skills in health care planning

Communication skills

This is one of the most important personal skills which is required while planning for healthcare. This forms a significant as well as remarkable skill and thus is an integral part of healthcare planning. Healthcare leaders in order to express their thoughts are required to have effective communication skills while working in teams without which they would not be able to present what they want to say. For example- while making this group aware of the harmful effects of alcohol, it is highly essential that healthcare workers appropriately interact with the whole group and thus appropriately explain to them the negative aspects of alcohol (Rosenberg and,2018).

Relation development

Talking of healthcare, it is highly essential to develop the relation with patients, their families as well as with the entire community. People suffering from excessive consumption of alcohol generally feel isolated and remain anxious as well as depressed due to the side effects of alcohol. Thus, it is highly essential for the entire team of healthcare workers to develop a relationship of sympathy and love with patients, especially of the age group 18 to 30 which are at high risk. Thus, relationship development forms the major personal skill of healthcare providers (Moewaka Barnes and,2016).

Quick decision-making

This is another important skill which needs to be present in multi-agency teams during health care planning. Decision-making is the most remarkable as well as a significant skill that the teams of healthcare providers are required to have to deal with various challenges of alcohol that take place in the age group of 18 to 30. While planning for health care, it is highly essential to make quick decisions regarding what steps to take or what preventive measures to take for treating patients of alcohol (Huckle and,2018).


This is another personal skill which needs to be present in whole planning for healthcare with multi-agency teams as well as diverse user groups. While working in teams, it is highly essential for the health worker to guide the members to consistently deliver favourable outcomes to patients. In planning the various aspects of health care like preventive measures, service quality etc, taking the lead is highly essential to manage the overall process of planning smoothly. For example- while preparing a plan for males between the age group 18 to 30 suffering from excessive consumption of alcohol, it is crucial to maintain effective leadership for guiding members on what medications need to be used and what diet needs to be followed (Johnson, 2017).

Impact Of Various Factors On Public Health

Political factors

The various political factors which impact the health of people are public services, laws, taxes etc. These various factors are impacting the health of people who are surrounded by alcohol side effects. For example- talking about public services, the government in the UK due to the impact of Brexit is frequently changing and this is affecting the level of democracy that exists in the country. Due to this, the government is not able to provide various public services to males and females of the age group 18 to 30 and thus this is worsening their situation. Apart from this, the government in the UK has reduced the tax rate on alcohol due to which the organizations can import and export alcohol on large platforms and this has affected mostly males and females between the age group 18 to 30 who are at the highest risk (Lobstein and,2017).

Economic factors

The various economic factors which are impacting the health of a large number of people are employment ratio, education, etc. Since the emergence of Brexit, the employment ratio has decreased and this is affecting the people to a great extent. Mostly the males belonging to the age group of 28 to 30 have lost their jobs and this has compelled them to seek the support of alcohol to get rid of depression, anxiety etc. Thus, unemployment has posed a great threat to these people. Besides this, most adolescents between the ages of 18 to 23 live in underprivileged areas and thus do not get access to a high level of education. This makes them indulge in alcohol consumption and thus raises risk factors (Esser and Jernigan, 2018).

Social factors

Social factors that have impacted the health of people to a great extent are income, social support, community safety etc. In the UK, due to the high unemployment ratio most of the people both males and females between the age group of 18 to 30 live in underprivileged areas and thus their income remains low. This affects their health to a high level as due to lack of enough money, these people are not able to receive proper healthcare services. Apart from this, most of the organizations and social workers are continuously engaged in providing social support to people suffering from alcohol effects thus this social support has been extended most to males and females between 18 and 30. Due to thorough support, this group is receiving professional services and treatment like drug therapy (Lyons and,2017).

Cultural factors

Cultural factors impact the health of people in a great way and thus form the major determinant of their health. The most important cultural factor which is gender is posing a great threat to this group. Most of the females between the age group 18 to 30 due to gender differences face various problems at the workplace as well as house like sexual abuse, physical attacks etc due to which they tend to seek the support of alcohol to protect themselves from pain and depression. Thus, this impacts their health badly along with sometimes causing their death. Besides this, due to the difference in social class children belonging to the lower class in schools face problems communicating with upper-class students and this leads them to consume alcohol to struggle through this situation (Petticrew and,2017).


It has been summarized that the consumption of alcohol has become one of the major concerns which has surrounded people to high level. Among various groups, the group which is at the highest risk of excessive consumption of alcohol is people between 18 and 30 both males and females. There are various interventions which can be taken to improve their health like educating them, providing healthcare services to this group etc. Along with this, for planning healthcare services, healthcare providers need to have some personal skills like effective communication, quick decision-making etc while working with the team. Although there are various factors which impact the health of people, majorly different political, cultural, social and economic factors have been the most important which have impacted the health of this group.

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